Saturday, November 18, 2006

Pillow wars, stomach pains, poo, and just a little touch of melancholia
The pillow war was quick and painless, except maybe for the pillows which were thrown into the dumpster. Jorge's pillows were flat and a disturbing mottled brown color. After the pillows were sent off to live a new life at the landfill, their replacements were obtained. "Grandpa's" pillows were chosen, creepy name, quite puffy and not too expensive.
Wednesday night I thought I had just waited too long to have dinner, but the slightly uncomfortable tummy pain turned quickly to sharp stabbing pains during my usually delightful dinner at "The Greenbean Place". Giant fresh greenbeans in a garlicky sauce with eggplant pieces and general tso's crispy tofu. Yum. Unfortunately I had to ride home with my pants unbuttoned. Another proud moment of my life. At least I got my tummy rubbed as a consolation. I wish I could go back tonight for a pain free repeat.
Someone left a trail of poo across the floor of the library one day this week. There really isn't anymore to say about that.
"Melancholia", I like that word, but I'm feeling a little melancholia lately and that I don't like so much. Maybe it's the weather. I kind of like the rain though. I feel sleepy and bleh, not blah, but bleh.
On the not so gloomy side, highlights of the last week include: making vegan stew with Esteban, a soy latte with Pappy, a ST dinner with schmangela (luckily the edamame showed up in the end) and lots of hanging out with Jorge. Yay!


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