Saturday, September 02, 2006

the setup
One of my friends and her fiance are playing matchmaker with me and one of their other friends. It started a couple weeks ago when they had a little dinner party with six people. I had a bad head cold, but was required to go anyway. So, I took some kind of sinus drying medication and headed over to meet my fate.

For an introvert like me: six people + small talk = small nightmare. Everything sounded like I was underwater and the postnasal drip was brutal. I managed to grunt out a few sentences throughout the evening, in my oh so attractive sick voice, but I really feel the highlight of the evening was when I got pollen from the lilys all over the front of my shirt. It looked like I had rubbed a bag of cheetos on myself, again, very attractive. I'm not sure how I feel about all this, we'll see.


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