Monday, October 30, 2006

it is dark and cold
It is 5:35pm as I begin to type this, and it is really dark outside. I think it is probably pretty cold outside, due to the number of hats and mittens I see people wearing as they stumble into the library from the sudden winter-like darkness. I keep forgetting to get my hat and mittens out of the closet at home. Today I have a loaner hat that I borrowed from Jorge, score!
Saturday night I had another exciting STGK (sushi takahashi/ ground kontrol) experiance with Pappy. I ate yummy vegan sushi from the train, played a few really sad games of Dr. Who pinball, and got my fix of retro arcade games. At ST I saw Schmangela and Charro, Yay!

Monday, October 16, 2006

smells like sunshine
The lunchroom smells like Denny's. I can't identify the source. Some guy is eating a poptart, but poptarts don't smell like Denny's. It is kind of mixture of greasy food and old people. Popcorn soon overtakes the odor of grease/elderly and I'm transported back to the cinemagic. Jorge and I saw Little Miss Sunshine last night. It was at times painful to watch, but funny and a good mockery of beauty pageants. I like the horn the best!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

vegan cheese and my retardedness
I'm at my second library job of the day. I'm currently staffing the circulation desk. It has been a pretty good day, no one has read my name badge and asked if my name is "circulation" yet. I'm hungry. I had another snack bar breakfast in my car and I don't get my lunch for another 20 minutes. I should really start eating snacks at the desk like my friend Raquel.
I like vegan cheese, but apparently not enough to remember to bring it over to my friends house for my vegan lasagna. I actually left it in the trunk of my car, which was parked in front of Jorge's house. Jorge was nice enough to give me a ride back over there to get it, but about halfway there I realized I forgot my keys. So, back to Raquel and Sancho's for my keys and then back to the car for the vegan cheese :oP

Friday, October 06, 2006

I thought park benches were bigger
I guess I should have expected that eventually the "setup guy" (we'll call him Jorge by the way) would ask if/find out that I have a blog. I didn't think it would be so soon though. I was just sitting there enjoying my vegetarian chinese experience when he asked about it. I can't lie, so I had to say yes, while thinking "what did I write about him on there?" I knew it wasn't anything bad, but was it embarrassing? I couldn't remember exactly. I told him the address while wondering if I could get home and edit before he would have a chance to see. After going over my previous entries I decided that, while not something I would have volunteered to show him, they do not require emergency editing. Hopefully he isn't troubled by bad grammar and occasional spelling errors.
More math: 4'11" + park bench = <6'9"