Tuesday, September 07, 2004

99 & 98
my thumb injury continues to plague me. i try to shelve books with one hand. i really feel this is the stupidest injury ever. there was a library patron with a finger splint on. it took a lot of inner strength not to laugh when he was fumbling around trying to get his library card out and i was trying to take it from him and scan his books with my giant thumb splint on. i had many dr. appointments and was poked and prodded many times in preperation for school this fall. my favorite moment was when one of the doctors tied my shoes for me. strangers like to talk to me about my thumb. how did i do it? blah blah blah. "sprained it" seems to be the best answer, requiring the least followup conversation.
other bits from these weeks: my parents argued over where i was locked in the car as a baby. dr. office or at home. dad was right, it was at home, at least that is how the story always went when i was a kid, but i wasn't going to get in the middle of that one. i went for a 12 mile hike which gave me 12 mile blisters. i am now the proud owner of a giant roll of moleskin. another valuable lesson learned, don't ever use the forest park honeybucket, serious pileup problems. on my late night white trash train ride: "you can get just as drunk downtown as you can uptown for less money." good for you. my coworker flipped out and tried to run me over with an office chair. psycho needs a medication adjustment. i had a dream where i was eating ham lunch meat by taking big bites out of the center of each slice. i think i use to eat bologna like that when i was a kid. i've never even liked ham in any form. bad vegan, bad.
fortunately it is time for vacation.


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