Monday, November 03, 2003

I'm taking a break from my e-mail management project to write this. By e-mail management I mean I am sorting through the mess of my inbox as my yahoo storage space bar creeps toward the red danger zone, and I am sending pictures of my cute new haircut to people. Boys are dumb, as always. I was a pumpkin for Halloween. I estimate I spent 763 hours on that costume. I will be wearing it for at least the next 20 Halloweens. Last week my 10-year-old nephew told me my dark grey double-breasted coat was slimming. My head hurts and I really have nothing else to say. Well, except that earlier I was thinking maybe I would get a second puppet, maybe another monkey, and at work he could peek over the counter at the little kids as they come up to check out their books. I get stranger every day. Boys are dumb.


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