Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Last night i went to my friend's house to pick up some camping stuff i had there. The camping stuff was there because i wimped out on a memorial day camping trip due to the pouring rain and 3/8" hail. Three of us escaped in a small convertible (top up) and all of our stuff would not fit. Anyway, i open the lid to my giant rubbermaid container on her porch and there is an orange in there that i can only identify because i know there use to be an orange in there. It is now green and fuzzy all over and does not smell good. I close the lid. I drag it to the car and it will not fit in the trunk or in the back seat. I haven't cleaned out my car for a while. There is a lot of pottery and stuff in there, so I stick it in the passenger seat. I make a joke about it smelling like a citrus air freshener, only stinky, and i'm off for home, windows down.


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