Friday, August 17, 2007

Olympic Peninsula... just went down

Olympic Peninsula... just went down on some rocks in the surf... my elbow took the brunt of the barnacle impact...

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Techno challenged...
This mobile blogging is more complicated than I thought. It cut off the end of my message. Why? I wasn't over the limit. Whatever. Vegan mint chocolate chip icecream is really good!

Testing, testing... I'm sitting @

Testing, testing...
I'm sitting @ my computer, typing up this test on my phone. I kind of like the green, like (vegan) mint choc chip icecrea

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Mobile blogging!

Mobile blogging!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Dial-up in the 'couv
My sidekick Esteban finally got the DSL. No more Dial up in the 'couv!
Annabelle vs. Soymilk gone bad!
Esteban and I recently went to Canada. On the return trip an open carton of soymilk languished in the car for 2 days, in and out of coolers with questionable amounts of ice and spending one night in my cousin's fridge. I suggested more than one time that is should be disposed of, due to the growing number of bacteria that were certainly flourishing within the puffed up antiseptic pack. Esteban wouldn't hear of it, he was going to drink it. Well, the soymilk made it home and somehow slipped into the fridge unnoticed by me. There it plotted its revenge. Fast forward to breakfast the next day. I'm hurrying to eat breakfast before work. I grab crispy rice and soymilk! It slips past my radar: we just returned from a trip so there should be no open container of soymilk in the fridge. I gobble it up and head out the door. Feeling a little queasy as I get in the car I decide I must have not gotten enough sleep. During the 20 minute drive my condition progresses to shaky, sweaty, and then retching in the bathroom at work. I give my apologies to the front office and head back to the car for the drive back to the 'couv. After a 5 hour nap, during which I awake several times to hear my stomach make some pretty terrible processing noises, Esteban says "You didn't have any vanilla soymilk did you?" At least I didn't toss my cookies.