Thursday, January 18, 2007

The setup breaks up
So, Jorge broke up with me. Another notch on my belt of failed romances. We're still friends though. That is nice and means free homebrew beer for me! I'm still trying to collect all the pieces of my shattered humpty-dumpty heart. With each failure it seems to break into ever more smaller pieces. If you find a piece stuck in the sole of your shoe, please get it back to me.
Be sure to stay tuned... will Annabelle throw in the towel and never date again, or will she scrape herself off the floor of life and try again at possible disaster?

Saturday, January 06, 2007

The way things fit
Sometimes things fit together just right and sometimes they don't.
Just like sometimes you feel like a nut and sometimes you don't.
I like coconut.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Lady in a bunny suit
I went to a few galleries last night with my pottery friends Jacqueline and Teddington. There was a lady wearing a bunny suit at the "you can change the world" (or something like that) gallery. Does she wear it every first Thursday or was it her new years bunny costume? And did she have to get drunk before she could bring herself to put it on or did she get drunk while dressed as a bunny? Too bad I wasn't there earlier to watch the situation unfold.